Internet Surfer 2.0
Internet Surfer 2.0 (Wayzata Technology) (1996).iso
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.201
Indiana University:
Faculty, Staff, Students: username@ucs.indiana.edu
Usernames are portions of the person's real name. 8 characters,
usually the last name plus maybe a few initials.
Student/Staff VAX/VMS machines: (main nodes)
gold.ucs.indiana.edu, aqua.ucs.indiana.edu,
jade.ucs.indiana.edu, amber.ucs.indiana.edu,
silver.ucs.indiana.edu -- Unix, All students ( mostly CS undergrads)
copper.ucs.indiana.edu -- These two are VAXen running Ultrix
(UNIX) They're student machines.
bronze.ucs.indiana.edu -- This is DEC RISC (Not a VAX)
running Ultrix. Staff only...
iuvax.cs.indiana.edu -- Unix, CS students ( mostly grad students
and faculty )
The email address of any student, faculty, or staff member at Indiana
can be found out by doing a
"finger lastname@indiana.edu" or
"whois -h indiana.edu lastname" or
"whois -h iugate.ucs.indiana.edu lastname"
Type "finger help@indiana.edu" or "whois -h indiana.edu help" for
more information about the service.
Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM):
Students: mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx (vax machine)
academ01.mty.itesm.mx (RS/6000)
Userids begin with BL plus the id number of the
student, i.e., bl205102.
Every student can ask for an account on the vax machine. There
are other computing facilities as well.
Iowa State University: fname_mi_lastname@iastate.edu
Johns Hopkins:
Accounts are located on
All are on bitnet.
The default userid is of the form lllll_fm or llllll_f. However,
students may choose whatever userid they wish, which can be just
about anything.
Kalamazoo College:
Kansas State Univ.:
ksuvm.ksu.edu All students, faculty, and staff. This is by
far the most popular machine.
KSUVM has a homebrewed finger server that allows you to search
for KSU students, faculty, and staff. Usage is
"finger lastname,firstname@ksuvm.ksu.edu"
This does a fuzzy lookup so you don't have to get the spelling
exact and returns the KSUVM userid (if any) plus name, address, phone
number, major (if student), and classification. If you know the KSUVM
userid you can look that up with "finger userid-xxx@ksuvm.ksu.edu"
(where "xxx" is the userid you want to look up).
matt.ksu.ksu.edu All students and faculty.
depot.cis.ksu.edu CS faculty, staff, and grads.
cygnus.cis.ksu.edu CS undergrads.
eece.ksu.edu EE grads and faculty.
depot.cis.ksu.edu CS grads, faculty, and staff.
harris.cis.ksu.edu CS undergrads.
(phobos, deimos, and ksuvax1 are going away soon.)
math.ksu.edu Math staff, faculty, grads, and some undergrads.
Kenyon College:
Username is usually the last name, sometimes with initials
tacked onto the end.
LaSalle University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
Host hp800.lasalle.edu
Faculty, Staff, and student staff: use last name, eg. jones (llllllll)
Course accounts: xnnn0mmm or xnnnamm, where x is 1-letter course name
(e.g. c for computer science), nnn is 3 digit course id, 0 or a is
entered exactly as shown, and mmm or mm is the student's individual
number within the course)
Incoming finger (from the Internet) does not yet work.
Lehigh University:
Undergrads: username@lehigh.edu (ns1.cc.lehigh.edu)
Help with specific userids can be obtained from
Lehigh has installed "white pages" server on lehigh.edu.
Fingering for a person's first or last name (case insensitive)
at lehigh.edu will return all relavant user info (email
address, full name etc.)
Lenoir-Rhyne College (Hickory, NC 28603):
E-mail address is username@alice.lrc.edu or Username@mike.lrc.edu.
Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge):
CS: csvax.csc.lsu.edu
EE: max.ee.lsu.edu
SNCC (S/m Network Comp Center): lsu500.sncc.lsu.edu
Macalester College (Saint Paul):
Every student and faculty member has an account on the college's VAX
system. Many students have additional accounts on departmental
machines. These instructions are for finding someone on the VAX.
Finger userid@macalstr.edu, where userid is of the form
flllllll for students, and lname for faculty. Numbers are added
to the end of the userid in case of name conflicts.
McGill University:
Computer Science profs, grads, and ugrads have mail forwarded from
login_name@cs.mcgill.ca to the correct machine. Currently all
profs have their accounts on opus.cs.mcgill.ca, and grads and
undergraduates have accounts on binkley.cs.mcgill.ca.
Memphis State University:
Undergrads: memstvx1.memst.edu (memstvx1.bitnet)
memstvx1 is a VAX connected to both internet and bitnet,
and also serves as the domain name server for memst.edu
While it does support Finger, it only reports users
currently logged on.
All instructional account usernames are dependent on the
course title (e.g. MATH1234567 would be an account
for a Math class)
Grads and Staff accounts are usually First_InitialLastname
e.g. JSMITH for John Smith (but there are exceptions)
Some departments have their own machines, but the majority of
accounts are on the VAX.
Merrimack College: (inquiries to postmaster@merrimack.edu welcome)
Faculty: except in extraordinary circumstances lastname@merrimack.edu
Undergrads: Aliases exist for most students as
REAL ids are usually lastnamefirstinitial@merrimack.edu with dups
getting lastfirstinitmiddleinit@merrimack.edu
For example:
Jane A. Smith -> jane.a.smith and smithj@merrimack.edu
Joe L. Smith -> joe.l.smith and smithjl@merrimack.edu
Millsaps College:
All faculty, staff, and students are userid@okra01.millsaps.edu.
Userid is produced from first five letters of last name, first two
initials - merged without spaces. In case of no middle initial,
nothing is used. In case of name conflicts, numbers are added to
the end to produce unique userid's.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
Finger name@mit.edu for info about the person and mail
address. This is the same info that's used to create the
MIT phonebook, so it is as accurate. (One can finger
help@mit.edu for instructions in using this service.)
All students and faculty may get an account from Project
Athena. Their mail address will be @athena.mit.edu, even
though athena is a distributed workstation environment.
Finger @ai.mit.edu for AI graduate students, faculty, and
some undergrads. Also try @media-lab.mit.edu
(= media-lab.media.mit.edu) for the MIT Media Lab.
Try @lcs.mit.edu for Laboratory of Computer Science faculty, staff,
and students.
Also, MIT math professors can be found on math.mit.edu (a.k.a.
bourbaki.mit.edu; however, this information is already accessible
from fingering mit.edu information.
MITVMA.MIT.EDU is the gateway to bitnet.
Michigan State Univ.:
@frith.egr.msu.edu @eecae.ee.msu.edu, @kira.ee.msu.edu
@cpsin.cps.msu.edu @cpsvax.cps.msu.edu
All college of Engineering students and faculty (includes CPS
students) that have requested an account will have the address:
user@egr.msu.edu (user@msuegr.bitnet)
where "user" is usually the last name, but is often some other
combination of first name, initials, etc to provide uniqueness
throughout the college.
In Addition, CPS students and faculty can receive mail at
with the rules for "user" being the same as above. As far as I know,
the same user-id is used on both "egr.msu.edu" and "cps.msu.edu".
General EMAIL accounts are available on Computer Center machines,
usually the IBM3090.
user@ibm.cl.msu.edu user@msu.bitnet
and also the Convex
I don't know what the rules are for determining user IDs for Computer
Center machines.
MSU Information is (517) 355-1855.
Michigan Technological University:
mtus5.cts.mtu.edu or mtus5.bitnet
most students have accounts with the format FMLASTNA
First initial-Middle initial-LASTNAMe (8 letters total)
finger does not work on these machines.
Minnesota State University System:
Faculty (all campuses): userid@msus1.bitnet
Faculty/Students (Mankato State Univ.): userid@vax1.mankato.msus.edu
Mississippi State univ. Mail in the form fml#@ra.msstate.edu or
fml#@isis.msstate.edu.. The Number will normally range
1 and 4, it stands for the student number (First one with
given set of initials to apply for internet access)
Mount Holyoke College:
"mhc." may be omitted:
a. flllllll@mhc.mtholyoke.edu
b. fmllllll@mhc.mtholyoke.edu
c. llllllll@mhc.mtholyoke.edu
Mount Royal:
Student's userids are of the form llllll#### where # are the
first four digits of the student id. Staff userids are of the
form flastname.
Entries beginning with N may be found in the next posting
(file .../college-email/faq2.text via anonymous FTP).
;;; *EOF*
Software Technology Laboratory dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Alex Lamb)
Computing and Information Science phone: (613) 545-6067
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu soc.college:15968 soc.net-people:5398 news.answers:4087
Newsgroups: soc.college,soc.net-people,news.answers
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!news.media.mit.edu!micro-heart-of-gold.mit.edu!news.bbn.com!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!cs.utexas.edu!torn!news.ccs.queensu.ca!qucis.queensu.ca!dalamb
From: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca (David Lamb)
Subject: FAQ: College Email Addresses 2/3 [Monthly posting]
Message-ID: <faq2_722005814@qucis.QueensU.CA>
Followup-To: poster
Supersedes: <faq2_719066572@qucis.QueensU.CA>
Reply-To: dalamb@qucis.queensu.ca
Organization: Computing & Information Science, Queen's University
References: <faq1_722005814@qucis.QueensU.CA>
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1992 13:10:26 GMT
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 1992 13:10:14 GMT
Lines: 1088
Archive-name: college-email/part2
Last-Modified: Wed Oct 14 08:20:00 1992 by David Alex Lamb
Version: 3.23
This is the second third of the summary of how to find email addresses
for undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff at various
colleges and universities.
;;; ********************************
;;; Email Database: N-T, U to Univ of
;;; ********************************
New Jersey Institute of Technology:
Newark NJ 07021
CS PhD Studs: user@newark.njit.edu
Grad Studs: user@hertz.njit.edu (ultrix), user@tesla.njit.edu (vms)
New Mexico State Univ.:
Virtually all email addresses are of the form
fllllll@nmsu.edu. Finger is not well supported. Mail to
postmaster should help. (Also, if you have an account, there
is a postmaster program.)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC:
Whois server on gyro.cc.ncsu.edu also accepts requests via finger
All whois entries have Snail addresses, some have e-mail.
The engineering postmaster is postmaster@nueng.coe.northeastern.edu.
For other mail, try postmaster@northeastern.edu
Undergrads: formerly nuacc.acns.nwu.edu (nuacc.bitnet).
Username is lastname.
Campus mail is being moved over to casbah.acns.nwu.edu, and
all new accounts will be created on this machine. Mail sent to
Firstname_Lastname@nwu.edu should reach the person if they
have an account. You can also telnet to casbah [],
logging in as "ph" and use "query NAME" to find out information
about NAME.
Tech grad students: username@eecs.nwu.edu
Norwegian Institute of Technology:
Students at the Norwegian Institute of Technology can be reached at
@solan.unit.no, @siri.unit.no, @lise.unit.no. Students usually have
access to three different computer rooms with email machines - solan,
siri and lise, of which solan is by far the more popular because of
its convenient physical location on the campus. Email sent to one
room will not be available on another, so someone logging in on solan
will not learn about new mail on lise or siri - UNLESS (s)he has set
up his accounts on lise and siri to forward all mail to solan. Most
people probably don't know they can do this.
The Norwegian Institute of Technology, aka NTH (Norges Tekniske
Hoegskole) is part of the University of Trondheim (UNIT, which is in
the domain name), but I believe NTH is the only part of the university
with email access. All students at NTH have the right to open an
account on the the email machines, which are Unix based and are on the
Internet, but this right is not very heavily advertized, so most
people don't use the machines.
Login names may be FLLLLLLL, LLLLLLLL, FFFFFFFF, FMLLLLLL, or (as in
my case, because I have very common first and last names) MMMMMMMM.
F=first name, M=middle name, L=last name. The login name is maximum
eight characters. FLLLLLLL is probably the most common; MMMMMMMM and
especially FMLLLLLL is probably quite rare. LLLLLLLL and FFFFFFFFF
may be used if the user's last or first names are not not very common,
especially if they are foreign.
Faculty/Staff: accounts on adm.csc.ncsu.edu. No specific naming
convention for faculty accounts.
Graduate Students: accounts on druid.csc.ncsu.edu. login names are
gr-xxx where xxx are the initials of the person. However, using the
person first or last name will also work.
All engineers have accounts on eos.ncsu.edu
Most undergraduate id's are fmllllll@eos.ncsu.edu
College of textiles comp. center: fmllllll@unity.ncsu.edu
Many students and faculty have accounts on ocvax{a,b}, which
can be reached as oberlin.bitnet and ocvaxa.cc.oberlin.edu.
Student User IDs are of the form: S+first & last initials
+ last 4 digits of the student ID (e.g. SDG1234)
Faculty IDs are of the form: F + lastname.
Best bet is to send mail to postmaster@oberlin.bitnet
CS students/faculty: occs.cs.oberlin.edu (student usernames
are mostly last names, occasionally with a first initial to
disambiguate; faculty and staff are generally 3 initials).
You can also send mail to postmaster.
Ohio State University:
Faculty, Staff, Graduate students: flllllll@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
CS Students, Faculty and Staff: cis.ohio-state.edu, with
username lastname, fllllll, llllll-f, fml, firstname or lllll-fm.
Faculty and staff are mostly first or last name.
Also, some students have their accounts aliased so that
you can send mail/finger to lastname.#@osu.edu
where # is required and is anything from 1 on up to infinity
(these numbers can get very large for names like Smith, i.e. in
the thousands). "whois -h osu.edu" and telneting to osu.edu should
also work.
Ohio University (Athens OH):
CS (UNIX): fllll@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu
CS (VMS): oucsduce.cs.ohiou.edu
EE (grad students): fllll@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu, @redskins.ent.ohiou.edu
Undergrads (class accounts): OUACCVMB.BITNET
Oklahoma State/Stillwater:
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology:
Only Graduate Students. Their host, ogccse, is @cse.ogc.edu.
This recently changed to cse.ogi.edu.
Oregon State:
CS: mist.cs.orst.edu, prism.cs.orst.edu
Penn State Univ.:
Undergrads: psuvm.psu.edu (psuvm.bitnet)
Engineering Computer Lab: @psuhcx.psu.edu
Most of the Engineering Computer Lab accounts are on the VAXCluster
PSUECL.bitnet (or ecl.psu.edu).
PSUVM doesn't support finger, but they do have a Bitnet server
that will return a username for a given name (or vice versa). To use,
send an interactive message HELP to IDSERVER@PSUVM
psuvax1.bitnet (dba psuvax1.cs.psu.edu, psuvax1.uucp) is their
bitnet<-->uucp gateway.
The Electronic Bulletin Board contains, among many other
things, the entire student, staff, and faculty directory.
To use EBB, one connects to psuvm.psu.edu from an
Internet-connected site using tn3270. After the initial logon
screen appears, type the RETURN key and the screen will clear.
Type "ebb" and hit RETURN, and the user will be presented with
the top-level EBB menu, one item of which is "DIRECTORY".
Typing "dir" and RETURN will select the university directory.
The rest should be obvious, but for a couple of other points:
EBB assumes you're using an IBM terminal, and displays help in
the form of PF keys to move around, etc. A simple "+" serves
to scroll ahead, and "-" moves backward. Typing the RETURN key
alone will back up one level of menus, so typing RETURN
repeatedly will ultimately close the connection.
Polytechnic University (New York)
This is a listing for Brooklyn and Farmingdale Campuses
Code System Name Comments
---- ----------- ----------------
F borg
X galileo
F W george Farmingdale
F W gracie Farmingdale
F icon
F W ishara Brooklyn
F pixel
F Poly-TS Polytech Information Server
F prism
F pucatt
F puscs
X rabbit
X stealth
F spark
F sprite
F tasha Farmingdale
F thermal1
X vacuum
X vm
F W worf Brooklyn
X wri
Legend: F = Fingerable X = Nonfingerable
W = At login: prompt typing in 'who' will list parties logged on
All system names end with ".poly.edu", e.g. 'finger @Poly-TS.poly.edu'
Most login names begin with first initial then first seven character
of last name. Most undergrad users would be on george, gracie,
ishara, tasha and worf systems.
Pomona College (Claremont, CA):
Internet: fllllll@pomona.claremont.edu (bitnet flllll@pomona.bitnet)
Usernames are the first character of the first name, followed
by the full last name (John Doe would be JDOE). In case of conflicts,
the middle initial is used between first and last name. (If JDOE
already has an account, James A. Doe would be JADOE). Finger works.
Portland State University (Portland, Oregon):
Students: odin.cc.pdx.edu
Undergrads: phoenix.princeton.edu, pucc.princeton.edu (VM)
pucc.bitnet. (Both phoenix and pucc are now fingerable.)
CS Grad Studs/Faculty: cs.princeton.edu
CogSci Lab: clarity.princeton.edu
Math Dept: math.princeton.edu
You can also try fingering at princeton.edu.
Some people also have accounts on gauguin.princeton.edu
Usernames are usually FMLLLLLL.
At Purdue, engineering students (undergrad/grad) have accounts
on machines on the Engineering Computer Network (ECN). There
are hundreds of machines, but the main ones are named according
to a fairly discernible system, i.e.
e?.ecn.purdue.edu = Electrical c?.ecn.purdue.edu = Civil
k?.ecn.purdue.edu = Chemical g?.ecn.purdue.edu = Nuclear/Aero
m?.ecn.purdue.edu = Mechanical p?.ecn.purdue.edu = Potter Library
In each case, "?" is one of 'a', 'b', 'c', etc..check your
local host tables or nameserver for a current list.
Undergrads usually end up on the 'n' series of machines... en,
mn, cn, and gn.
Effective 10/16/90, mail to ecn hosts need only be labeled
with the local domain. For example, user@ecn.purdue.edu. Mail
sent there will automatically be forwarded to the users mailbox.
Usernames on ecn machines are assigned according to user
preferences. Try the usual (initials, fllllll, first name,
last name, etc.). You can send mail to ecn.purdue.edu (which
will forward it to the appropriate machine). Also, if your
finger supports arguments, doing a 'finger -l lastname' will
find people by name regardless of account.
Other students (CS, math/stat, and science majors) usually have
accounts on machines operated by the Purdue University Computing
Center (PUCC). These machines are all in the ".cc.purdue.edu"
subdomain. Many usernames are based on the user's last name and
initials, but many still use three letter/number combinations which
have nothing to do with the user's name. Computing center staff
usernames are either a name chosen by the user, or a three-letter
combination beginning with "a". Additionally, "finger" with a
name argument will find all people with that name, so try
"finger -l lastname".
Students are found on the 'instructional' machines; the
distribution of major courses is approximately like this:
expert = low-level courses for non CS or EE majors, some CS courses
sage = more low-level courses, first semester CS
feserve = freshman engineering courses and some CS courses
sonata = some Math and CS courses
mentor = most other CS courses
Students not in one of these courses may still have an account on
one of these machines, since there are many smaller groups to
which accounts are issued. Also, any Purdue student may obtain
a student personal account on one of these machines.
Research users are found scattered around all the PUCC
machines, but mace, boiler, and j are the most likely places
to find them. Staff can always be reached through 'staff'
regardless of where they have their accounts.
In addition to those, there is an IBM mainframe which is found
on the Internet as vm.cc.purdue.edu or on BITNET as PURCCVM.
It is used primarily by research users and Computer Technology
majors. Some student personal accounts are also on this machine
Usernames are either based on the person's real name or Xyyy
where yyy is a 3-character PUCC ID.
Graduate CS students are found on machines in the ".cs.purdue.edu"
subdomain, including "arthur", "mordred", "merlin", and other
machines named after characters from the Arthurian legends.
Mail to cs.purdue.edu usually works.
Veterinary students are found on machines in the ".vet.purdue.edu"
subdomain; these machines are named after animals or other vet
terms e.g. "dog", "goat", "pharm"...Agricultural/Agronomy Engineering
students are found on machines in the ".acn.purdue.edu" subdomain;
these include "harvest", "barn", etc...Some folks in chemistry
can be found on machines in the ".chem.purdue.edu" subdomain;
many of these are named after items from the Dr. Who series,
e.g. "doctor", "tardis", "k9"...Some folks in psychology can be
found on machines in the ".psych.purdue.edu" subdomain; these
machines are named after Latin/South American countries,
e.g. "peru", "brazil", "mexico", "panama"...Some folks in
biology can be found on machines in the ".bio.purdue.edu" subdomain;
some of these machines are named after Tolkien characters,
e.g. "bilbo", "gollum"...Some folks in physics can be found on
machines in the ".physics.purdue.edu" subdomain; these machines
are named after physicists, e.g. "maxwell", "newton"... The
Krannert School of Management is in the .mgmt subdomain, with
hosts zeus and hera. Most management students will be found on
a PUCC machine.
Reed College:
username@reed.edu, where username is of the form flllllll
Mail may be sent to <username>@rice.edu. Note that you can't
finger this machine. Rice students now have off-campus
electronic access (email, netnews), so long as it is for
educational purposes only.
Owlnet accounts are provided for undergraduate and graduate engineers.
Non-engineers are given accounts when needed for a class, and then
the accounts are deleted after the class is over. A general address
for these accounts is @owlnet.rice.edu.
All students are given accounts on the rice mainframe computer, though
off-campus access is still restricted for these accounts unless given
permission. The address is @ricevm1.rice.edu and userid's are
of the form fllll00, so John Smith is JSMIT00@ricevm1.rice.edu.
Here's a small list of machines to try when searching for a
user. Department machines are generally for MS/PhD graduate
students, faculty, and staff. The OWLNET machines are used for
classes. (Thus the user population on OWLNET machines consists
primarily of undergraduates and graduate students in
professional degree plans such as Master of Computer Science.)
NOTE: all the names given should have ".rice.edu" appended to them.
Department Machine Names
========================================== ==========================
Computer Science: titan, iapetus
Electrical and Computer Engineering: mu, zeta, eta, kappa, tavi
Math: math1
Mathematical Sciences: masc1, masc6
Mechanical Engineering: caesar
Statistics: stat1
Office of Networking and Computer Systems: brazos, uncle-bens
OWLNET: great-horned, marsh, snowy,
pygmy, great-gray
Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (RPI):
Department Machine or Domain Names
========================================== ==========================
Computer Science: cs.rpi.edu
Electrical and Computer Engineering: ecse.rpi.edu
Mechanical Engineering: meche.rpi.edu
Design Reseach Center: rdrc.rpi.edu
Robotics Automation Lab: ral.rpi.edu
Image Processing Lab: ipl.rpi.edu
Center for Advanced Technology: cat.rpi.edu
Integrated Electronic Arts Studio: iear.arts.rpi.edu
Engineering Computing Services: vm.ecs.rpi.edu,
Rensselaer Computing System: rpi.edu
Open to all students, faculty and staff.
Userids are lllllf@rpi.edu with digits added to break ties.
finger lastname@rpi.edu to verify userid only.
but finger @rpi.edu doesn't yield any login information.
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT):
aaaXXXX@ritvax.isc.rit.edu, where aaa is users initials, XXXX is last 4
digits of Social Security Number (SSN)
Computer Science: aaaXXXX@cs.rit.edu. Sometimes anaXXXX where
n appears literally and means "no middle initial". Profs'
accounts omit the XXXX.
Rumour has it that some UNIX accounts on other machines within
the rit.edu domain use just last 4 digits of SSN, but recent
correspondents from RIT don't know of any such machines.
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology: Terre Haute, IN
There are three major systems on which students are given accounts:
- Academic VAXcluster: rosevc.rose-hulman.edu
All students have accounts.
- NeXT workstation network: nextwork.rose-hulman.edu
All students have accounts.
- CS department network: cs.rose-hulman.edu
Any student can get an account upon request.
Student usernames are consistent across the systems, in the form
llllllfm. Mail addresses of the form: first.m.last@rose-hulman.edu
are also accepted; mail is directed to a preferred address.
Rutgers now (as of December 1991) has a whitepages server, so
you can do whois -h whitepages.rutgers.edu "fname lname" to
find email addresses.
CS faculty: cs.rutgers.edu (alias aramis.rutgers.edu)
CS grad studs: paul.rutgers.edu
CS undergrad: remus.rutgers.edu
CS Systems Staff: cs.rutgers.edu, klinzhai.rutgers.edu,
Engineering: zodiac.rutgers.edu, cancer.rutgers.edu, pisces.rutgers.edu
Zodiac is an alias for the pisces/cancer vax-cluster. Many engineering
grad students have accounts on caip.rutgers.edu or jove.rutgers.edu.
First and second year engineering students occasionally get
accounts on this vax cluster.
Math: math.rutgers.edu, hilbert.rutgers.edu, fermat, newton, euler
Other machines: elbereth.rutgers.edu, dorm.rutgers.edu (The latter
for students who live in one particular dormitory.)
Usernames are fml or llllll or fllllll or fmllllll or sometimes
something else entirely.
There is a machine, pilot.njin.net, which is available to any
Faculty/Staff member at any New Jersey college by request. As
such, using finger lastname@pilot.njin.net may be useful in finding
someone at any of the non-Rutgers colleges in NJ.
San Diego State University:
Faculty and Staff: flastname@sciences.sdsu.edu where f is the
first initial followed by the last name.
To access the campus phone directory:
(1) whois -h sciences.sdsu.edu name
where name is the last name of the person you want.